Home Foundation

Abandoned Home Foundation Maintenance Tips

Neglected properties often require the most extensive repairs and maintenance. Whether you’re investing in abandoned properties for reselling, preserving an old house, or renovating a newly acquired property to transform it into your dream home, we’re here to walk you through the processes and considerations that come with repairing and maintaining an abandoned home’s foundation.

Common Causes of Foundation Problems for Abandoned Homes

Understanding the various factors that may have affected your abandoned property and led to foundation damage is the first step to restoring it to its former glory. Take a look at the list we’ve compiled to get some insight into the potential challenges your property may face:

Neglect: An abandoned home’s foundation can experience deterioration over time due to a lack of regular maintenance and upkeep. The longer it’s been neglected, the more complicated the issues are.

Soil settlement: Depending on the soil type that your property stands on, you may experience soil settlement or shifting. Due to moisture levels and environmental factors like the weather, the soil under your foundation may settle, resulting in uneven support for the rest of the structure.

Water damage: If your property’s drainage system hasn’t been checked or maintained in a long time, you may find evidence of water damage, accumulation, and leaks. These concerns can lead to mold growth and foundation deterioration over time.

Causes of Foundation Problems

Vegetation growth and large tree roots: You may find overgrown vegetation and invasive tree roots near your property’s foundation. Without regular maintenance, this can exert pressure on the soil or foundation and compromise the soil’s moisture levels, which in turn can be a cause of foundation problems.

Natural disasters and extreme weather conditions: If your property has been abandoned for a while, it has likely faced a number of natural disasters and taken a beating from extreme weather conditions. Floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, and heavy storms can subject the structure’s foundation to intense pressure and strain. This can result in cracks, shifts, and structural failure. The longer these issues have been left unaddressed, the more comprehensive your assessment and repairs must be.

Signs of Foundation Problems to Look Out For

If a house has been left neglected for some time, it has likely developed some foundation problems that need prompt attention. Seemingly irrelevant issues like minor cracks along your concrete walls can be indications of more severe underlying concerns related to your foundation. Keep an eye out for the following warning signs:

Cracked foundation, walls, and floors: If you see any cracks—hairline cracks as well as major cracks—on the concrete blocks or masonry work forming the foundation, as well as cracks along the walls and floors in other parts of your home, you may be looking at a common sign of foundation problems. Don’t ignore minor cracks as they can turn into more severe cracks when left unchecked.

Bowing walls: Bowing or bulging walls are another indication that your foundation may be suffering from deterioration. If you notice the walls of your house bending inward or outward, it can be a sign that there’s too much pressure on the foundation from the surrounding soil. This pressure can be caused by various factors, such as poor drainage, expansive soil, or the settlement of the foundation itself.

Uneven floors: Uneven or sloping floors can also be indications of foundation problems. When a foundation becomes unstable due to various factors like soil movement and water damage, you can often find manifestations of these issues in your crooked, uneven floors.

Sticking doors and windows: Foundation issues can also manifest in your doors and windows—specifically, their sudden misalignment with their frames. You’ll notice that it’s harder for them to open and close properly as they tend to stick and drag.

brick wall with a stair-step pattern crack

Water intrusion: Have you noticed any signs of water intrusion in your home? This happens when water penetrates the foundation walls through cracks and gaps. This can lead to issues like mold growth, excessive water accumulation in improper spots, foundation upheaval, and eventually, extensive structural damage.

Pest infestations: Though you might not see them, pests like termites, carpenter ants, and rodents can wreak havoc on your home’s foundation and overall structure. They can weaken your foundation and create holes, gaps, and pathways for water and moisture to seep through. All of these can contribute to more severe and pressing foundation problems.

Top 10 Home Foundation Maintenance Tips

With proper foundation maintenance, you can likely prevent the problems we just went over. As a foundation repair company, we’ve encountered a long list of foundation issues, so we’re quite familiar with the approaches you can take to properly maintain your foundation. Here’s our top 10 tips to help you keep your foundation in good shape, regardless of the foundation type:

1. Arrange a Plumbing Inspection

Our first foundation maintenance tip is to schedule a plumbing inspection. Damaged plumbing can lead to a long list of issues, including leaks, pipe bursts, water infiltration around the foundation, and moisture buildup to name a few. In an abandoned property where plumbing systems may have been inactive for an extended period of time, there’s a higher risk of plumbing issues and failure. So, having a professional perform regular inspections of your plumbing system should be one of the first things you do to restore your foundation’s health.

2. Install a Sound Drainage System and a Sump Pump

powerlift foundation repair staff and clients

Once you’ve had a professional inspect your plumbing, consider installing a sound drainage system and sump pump to control water and keep it away from your foundation. Proper drainage helps prevent water from pooling around your foundation which can lead to issues that compromise its integrity. French drains or gutter extensions are great options that can direct water to its proper place.

Installing a sump pump alongside a well-designed drainage system gives you more control over water and further minimizes the risks of water damage. A sump pump works by collecting excess water and pumping it out, keeping it from accumulating near the foundation. A proper drainage system and a sump pump are foolproof methods to protect your foundation from water-related problems.

3. Check Underground Water Sources for Leaks

Plumbing systems aren’t the only possible water source on your property. Foundations are vulnerable to moisture and water-related issues, so make sure to look for undetected leaks in underground pipes, water lines, sprinkler systems, and irrigation systems that can turn into major problems when left unchecked.

4. Repair Foundation Cracks

Severe cracks or gaps in foundations can allow water infiltration, which in turn can lead to moisture buildup and soil erosion. All of these factors can contribute to potential structural damage. Foundation repair contractors may repair cracks in your property with epoxy injections or by installing carbon fiber reinforcement.

5. Keep Your Gutters and Downspouts Clear

Maintain your foundation by clearing out your gutters and downspouts. Water can overflow and pool around your foundation if your gutters and downspouts are clogged by leaves, twigs, and other debris, which can lead to water-related concerns. This is especially likely for properties that have been neglected for an extended period. Consider installing gutter guards or screens that can help prevent clogging and protect your foundation.

a cracked wall

6. Ensure Consistent Moisture Levels Around Your Foundation

A consistent moisture level is essential for a healthy, well-maintained foundation. Constantly changing moisture levels affect the soil, which can expand and contract. This movement can contribute to soil shifting and settling, which are common causes of foundation problems.

7. Install an Underground Foundation Watering System

To protect your home’s structural integrity, consider installing an underground foundation watering system. This delivers water directly to the soil surrounding the foundation, ensuring consistent moisture levels. This is especially helpful for areas that experience dry weather. There are also other alternatives, such as installing an automatic sprinkler system or a rock bed near your foundation to ensure that the soil gets the water it needs despite the heat.

8. Install a Root Barrier

Maintain the foundation of your house against root penetration by installing a root barrier. Large tree roots grow underground and can potentially impact your foundation. To prevent this, a root barrier—usually made of thick rubber, metal, or plastic—is installed around the tree roots, keeping it from getting too close to your foundation. So, for houses surrounded by large trees (or for those thinking of planting new trees), a root barrier may be a great investment to protect your foundation from complications that may cost you a pretty penny.

9. Level the Slope Around Your Home

Leveling the slope around your house is an essential step to keep your foundation in good shape. Neglecting to do so can lead to water pooling near your foundation. When you level the slope, you can ensure that water will be pulled away from your foundation instead of toward it. You can do this by adding fill dirt to low-lying areas or depressions in the ground around your house. Consider hiring a geotechnical engineer to ensure that the fill is properly compacted.

10. Perform Regular Foundation Inspections

Even after your neglected property’s foundation has been restored, there’s still work to be done. Maintaining your foundation is a commitment that requires continuous effort. Think of it as an investment in the long-term stability and value of your home. You can avoid costly repairs and prolong its integrity by performing regular foundation inspections and promptly addressing any concern that arises.

Dealing With Foundation Issues? Contact Powerlift Foundation Repair for Expert Assistance!

Maintain your foundation with our expert assistance. At Powerlift, we’re committed to repairing and maintaining the integrity of your home’s foundation. We don’t just do our job correctly—we make sure our work lasts. No matter what foundation damage you’re dealing with, our qualified foundation repair professionals are ready to take on any challenge, guaranteeing unmatched quality work at a competitive price. We’re proud to offer over 30 years of industry expertise, ensuring that your foundation receives the expert care it deserves.

Call us at 800-562-5438 for a free estimate and start your foundation maintenance journey today!

free estimate with powerlift foundation repair
Abandoned Home Foundation Maintenance Tips2024-07-22T16:57:32+00:00

Consequences of Not Doing Home Foundation Maintenance

Your home’s foundation is essential to your house’s overall structural stability. When you properly maintain your foundation, you can ensure that your property remains secure and well-built over the years. Many people take great pride in the quality of their homes, and maintaining a sound foundation is one of their top priorities.

However, neglecting to conduct foundation maintenance and foundation repair can lead to various structural issues, foundation damage, and costly repairs. Save money by taking a preventative approach and address your foundation issues before they become critical—we promise that your future self will thank you for it!

Foundation Maintenance Tips to Prevent Issues

As a leading company in commercial and residential foundation repair, we at Powerlift Foundation Repair have encountered a wide range of foundation problems across various properties. We’ve also witnessed firsthand how important it is for homeowners to be proactive in maintaining their foundation to avoid costly foundation issues.

So, with our years of experience in the industry, we’ve compiled a list of foundation maintenance tips to guide you on your mission to preserve and strengthen your home’s foundation.

Perform Regular Foundation Inspections

The first foundation maintenance tip may seem obvious, but we can’t overstate its importance: Make sure to perform regular inspections on your foundation. Proper foundation maintenance requires commitment, so schedule an inspection at least once a year, after extreme, destructive weather events, and whenever you notice any signs that might point toward bigger foundation issues. Keep an eye out for foundation cracks (both major and minor cracks), water damage, sagging walls, and shifting floors and door frames—these are signs that there may be bigger underlying problems related to your foundation.

Prevent Water Accumulation and Maintain Consistent Moisture Levels Around Your Foundation

The quality of the soil surrounding your foundation can either bolster its stability or pose risks to its integrity. Soil that’s too wet or dry can lead to unsteadiness and cracks in your foundation, so prioritize maintaining a consistent moisture level around it to avoid damage.

Maintain Flower Beds, Plants, Fences, Pools, Sidewalks, Patios, and Driveways

watering, flower background, gardening

By maintaining your house’s various landscaping features, you can properly control and maintain the moisture saturation around the foundation. Maintaining flower beds and plants can also drain excess water from the foundation, avoiding water accumulation. Paved, impermeable surfaces like sidewalks, patios, and driveways can also aid in preventing water from pooling by pulling water away from your foundation.

Maintain Irrigation and Sprinkler Systems

lawn sprinkler, water, hose connection

During dry periods, an automatic sprinkler system can help keep the soil around your foundation on a consistent moisture level. Another option is to place a rock bed around your foundation to ensure that your foundation receives the moisture it needs, keeping the water from being completely pulled in by the soil.

Keep Your Gutters and Downspouts Clear

gutter guard ipswich, gutter protection ipswich, gutter covers ipswich

Gutters and downspouts clogged by leaves, twigs, and other debris can lead to water buildup, which can impact the health of your foundation. Clearing out your gutters and downspouts ensures that the water it collects is going to its rightful place, thus preventing excess water from compromising the moisture saturation around the foundation.

Grade the Land for Proper Drainage

Grade your house’s land to maintain a positive slope leading away from your foundation. In other words, make sure that your land is graded to direct water away from your house instead of toward it, which will help prevent water accumulation and avoid disturbing the moisture levels around the area. You can do this by adding fill dirt to the sides of your house and shaping it so it slopes away from the foundation.

Install an Underground Foundation Watering System

By installing a foundation watering system underground, you can ensure that the soil around your foundation is being properly watered and isn’t becoming too dry. Doing so helps you maintain a consistent moisture level.

Install a Sump Pump or a Drainage System

By installing a sump pump right under your basement floor or in the lowest part of your crawl space, the device will direct water away from the foundation and collect it, thus keeping foundations from possible water damage.

Similarly, setting up a sound drainage system near your foundation prevents water accumulation, which can help prevent foundation upheaval while preserving its strength and firmness.

Conduct Plumbing Tests

plumbing, pipe, wrenches

Arranging a plumbing inspection annually is one of the most important foundation maintenance tips. Doing so can help you catch any existing leaks and plumbing issues that could lead to flooding. In turn, this water accumulation can lead to water damage and the eventual deterioration of your foundation.

Maintaining consistent moisture levels is a necessity for a healthy foundation, so be on the lookout for leaks that can lead to an uneven soil moisture level near the foundation, which can compromise your foundation’s integrity over time.

Keep Tree Roots and Deep-Rooted Plants Away from Your Foundation

avenue, trees, tree lined

Another tip that can help you avoid foundation problems is to be mindful of large trees and deep-rooted plants. They may seem harmless, but many plants and large tree roots grow and invade the foundation’s space, its pressure and root penetration leading to cracks and severe damage to the house’s structure. Roots can also affect the soil near the foundation, causing the foundation to move or become unstable.

In case there’s no viable way to relocate your trees and plants, you can install a root barrier. It serves as a physical barrier under the soil that keeps tree roots from expanding in places we don’t want them to—like foundations!

Contact Powerlift Foundation Repair for Professional Assistance

At the end of the day, it’s always wise to enlist the help of a professional who’s certain to do the job correctly. So, if you want someone experienced to help keep your foundation in good shape, don’t hesitate to reach out to the trusted experts in your city! Most homeowners are more comfortable with the knowledge that the integrity of their home is in a professional’s capable hands.

Powerlift Foundation Repair is led by a team of professionals backed by years of hands-on foundation experience, such as installations, repairs, and maintenance. With systems and processes highly recommended by engineers, homeowners, realtors, and repair professionals, Powerlift is your go-to for all your foundation needs. Get in touch today for expert assistance and solutions tailored to your foundation needs!

Consequences of Not Doing Home Foundation Maintenance2024-06-10T17:02:32+00:00
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