commercial foundation repair

Looking For Commercial Foundation Repair Services in Oklahoma City?

A strong foundation is critical for every property in Oklahoma City, as a faulty one can lead to massive structural problems in your building – and the large repair bills that accompany them. While some problems are easy to identify (such as cracks in the walls and floors), others are more difficult to detect and require evaluation by experts.

At PowerLift Foundation Repair, we are more than aware of the trouble a faulty foundation can cause, and want to mitigate this by offering the best service, as well as information that will help business owners. With that in mind, here are some things you need to know about foundations and their repair.

Some of the main causes of foundation failure include the following:

  • Poor soil preparation: If the fill is not compacted properly, the foundation will not be strong enough to support the weight of the structure.
  • Water problems: Poor site drainage or plumbing leaks can cause cracks in the foundation. Oversaturation causes soil to become destabilized over time.
  • Poor construction: Another cause of foundation movement is simply due to negligence from the builders during the construction process.

commercial foundation repair

The exact cause of foundation failure varies for each structure, but addressing the problem sooner rather than later will help you to avoid costly repairs in the future. The good news is that you can prevent further damage with installations of steel piers to stabilize the property.

Foundation Repair Services

If you see any signs of foundation failure, additional support must be added to the property and the POWERLift system is an innovative process that is highly effective for stabilizing structures.

Here is what you can expect from our commercial foundation repair services in Oklahoma City:

  • Our crew arrives at your property with specialized equipment and materials
  • Holes are made to prepare the structure for installation of the steel piers
  • Steel piers are driven to the bedrock to prevent future settlement from occurring
  • All debris is removed and the job site is restored to its original state

The entire process stabilizes the property’s foundation and prevents it from sinking. As complicated as this sounds, most jobs for commercial properties can be completed within two days, although some projects can be done even sooner.

The importance of a strong foundation cannot be emphasized enough. If you notice any of the common signs we’ve described, your first step is to schedule a complete evaluation with our company. This is necessary to assess the extent of the damage so that we can determine where repairs are needed.

Our company has extensive experience with foundation repairs for residential and commercial properties. With our experienced employees and state-of-the-art equipment, we deliver exceptional services at competitive prices to areas in and immediately surrounding Oklahoma City. Call or contact us at PowerLift Foundation Repair today!

Looking For Commercial Foundation Repair Services in Oklahoma City?2024-07-17T14:43:54+00:00

Guide to Commercial Foundation Repair in Charlotte North Carolina

Charlotte North Carolina Foundation Repair


Charlotte, NC has a growing economy and is a hub for local and regional businesses. Unfortunately, the Charlotte area also has soft soil which can mean foundation problems—and these problems can affect commercial buildings just as easily as homes. Often, business owners will overlook the early signs of foundation settling or put off foundation repair as long as they can. But sooner or later you will need to repair your building or risk serious damage. Here is your complete guide to commercial foundation repair.

Does It Matter?

The first question many business owners ask themselves when looking at signs of a potential foundation issue is, how big a deal is this? The answer is that it can be a very big deal. Whether you use your commercial space for your own business or lease it out to commercial tenants, it is one of the biggest investments you’ve made. Allowing the foundation to settle will first result in cosmetic blemishes, then in annoyances like uneven floors and doors that don’t close, and potentially in water leakage or even structural damage. It’s important to fix it quickly.

How Do I Fix It?

The good news is that when you take appropriate action to fix your foundation it will be a long-term fix and prevent the settling from recurring. The way this is done is by “jacking up” or raising the foundation. Once it is raised, piers can be driven into the ground below it and the building can then rest stably on these piers. The end result is a building that looks better and can resist settling.

Note that this is not a DIY job. While homeowners sometimes attempt their own foundation repair, the results without professional help are mixed—and commercial structures tend to be much larger and heavier. Call in a commercial foundation repair expert to do the job.

Which Method Is Best?

You will generally see three methods of foundation repair advertised: concrete blocks, cable-linked blocks, and steel piers. Although steel piers cost more, this is the method you want to choose. Only steel piers are likely to reach down to solid bedrock which means they are the only method that will stop the settling for good.

Additionally, look for a foundation repair company in North Carolina that has experience with large commercial buildings in Charlotte. Ideally they use a computerized hydraulic lifting system that can manage a large structure with a high number of piers.

Are you considering foundation repair for your commercial space in North Carolina?

Guide to Commercial Foundation Repair in Charlotte North Carolina2015-02-17T17:51:59+00:00

3 Reasons that You Should Consider Commercial Foundation Repair for Your North Carolina Business

Image of commercial foundation repair on bricks with "under construction" sign North Carolina has become an increasingly popular place to live, especially for millennials, which is exciting news for business owners in the state. With more and more people moving to the area, your business will most likely benefit from an influx of fresh customers. This makes it the perfect time to make sure that your office complex or facility is aesthetically appealing. Things like cracks in brick and sheet rock, along with several other signs, may be good indicators that you have a foundation problem. So the solution to the exterior and/or interior aesthetics of your commercial building may actually be found in repairing your foundation. Here are four reasons that you should consider foundation repair for your North Carolina business.

1.  It will increase the aesthetic beauty – Chances are good that your business will be located relatively near several others, some of them competitors. This is especially comm on for restaurants and hair salons. You’ll want to make sure that your business looks as good, if not better than that of your competitors. If your building has cracks in the foundation, customers will avoid it and head across the street. Look into commercial foundation repair services such as those offered by Powerlift Foundation Repair to patch-up broken bricks, cement, and other foundation or building structure issues. The more beautiful your building looks on the outside, the more inclined people will be to check it out from the inside and make a purchase.

2.  A stronger foundation is a stronger building When you think about your building, you should be planning ahead for the long term. You’ll want a building that is durable and able to withstand various weather conditions. If your building’s foundation is full of cracks or missing pieces, then it may cause leaks when it rains or snows or extreme temperatures occur. Leaks in the building can result in a host of other problems; for instance, it can create the perfect damp environment to attract rodents, bugs, and other pests, and who would want to enter a building like that? All of these problems can be prevented with the simple use of Powerlift Foundation Repair Services that will help restore your building and keep it in great condition.

3.  It will increase the property value – Another part of planning ahead for your business should include the “what-if?” game. What if years down the road you decide to retire or relocate? You may need to resell your building and you’ll want to get the best possible deal. If your building is not in top condition, then you will certainly not be able to sell it for as much money as you may hope to, or even as much money as you paid for it. Foundation repair services will allow you an easy and cost-effective way to keep your building looking good as new, therefore helping to increase its overall resale value. When you choose to invest in foundation repair services for your commercial building now, you’ll be glad you did when you decide to sell it.

If you’re looking for easy and affordable ways to make your North Carolina business stand out from the crowd and remain in good shape for years to come, look into Powerlift Foundation Repair services today!

3 Reasons that You Should Consider Commercial Foundation Repair for Your North Carolina Business2024-07-17T14:44:31+00:00
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