
3 Things Raleigh Home Buyers Need to Keep in Mind

If you’re looking for a home in the Raleigh, North Carolina area, you probably think that you have most of the major things figured out. You have a few good neighborhoods in mind, you’ve thought about how it will affect your commute to work, and you may have even talked to a few potential neighbors to learn about the area you’re going to be living in. You already know that you need to find a home that fits your budget, but there are some other things you can do during the moving process that can save you from a lot of headaches in the future. At PowerLift Foundation Repair, we’re here to help you plan! Here are some things we think you should keep in mind during the buying process:

Always get your potential property surveyed

You never know when putting in a new shed or expanding your driveway can cause a border dispute so, before moving, you need to know exactly how far your property extends. Have a survey performed so that you know what you’re buying, and you won’t accidently upset your new neighbors. A property survey could also help you get a better idea of how much your property taxes will cost. Your tax amount is partly based on how much property you have, and obtaining an accurate map of your holdings can be beneficial in case there are any problems.

Never buy a home without performing a foundation inspection first

home inspection report and tools

You’ve probably heard a lot of stories about how a good home can only stand on a solid foundation. Homes and foundations are good metaphors to use when talking about stability, mainly because foundations are crucial for the permanence, value, and livability of your home. Never buy a home without having someone come out to inspect the foundation first. Foundation crack repair could be done relatively quickly, but if you don’t handle the problem, it could cause more issues down the road.

Remember that big homes require a lot of maintenance

Your dream home may have six bedrooms, a pool, and a sprawling lawn and garden, but when you dream about your big home you probably don’t think about the work required to maintain it. Too many people make the mistake of buying a home that’s too big for them to realistically care for, and their property ends up losing value because of neglect.  Unless you can afford to pay people to care for your home, only buy something that you can manage yourself.

There are a lot of things to think about when purchasing a house in Raleigh, North Carolina. For foundation work, specifically, contact us here at PowerLift Foundation Repair! We have the means and the expertise to help you create the home of your dreams.

3 Things Raleigh Home Buyers Need to Keep in Mind2015-02-28T16:28:37+00:00

Guide to Commercial Foundation Repair in Charlotte North Carolina

Charlotte North Carolina Foundation Repair


Charlotte, NC has a growing economy and is a hub for local and regional businesses. Unfortunately, the Charlotte area also has soft soil which can mean foundation problems—and these problems can affect commercial buildings just as easily as homes. Often, business owners will overlook the early signs of foundation settling or put off foundation repair as long as they can. But sooner or later you will need to repair your building or risk serious damage. Here is your complete guide to commercial foundation repair.

Does It Matter?

The first question many business owners ask themselves when looking at signs of a potential foundation issue is, how big a deal is this? The answer is that it can be a very big deal. Whether you use your commercial space for your own business or lease it out to commercial tenants, it is one of the biggest investments you’ve made. Allowing the foundation to settle will first result in cosmetic blemishes, then in annoyances like uneven floors and doors that don’t close, and potentially in water leakage or even structural damage. It’s important to fix it quickly.

How Do I Fix It?

The good news is that when you take appropriate action to fix your foundation it will be a long-term fix and prevent the settling from recurring. The way this is done is by “jacking up” or raising the foundation. Once it is raised, piers can be driven into the ground below it and the building can then rest stably on these piers. The end result is a building that looks better and can resist settling.

Note that this is not a DIY job. While homeowners sometimes attempt their own foundation repair, the results without professional help are mixed—and commercial structures tend to be much larger and heavier. Call in a commercial foundation repair expert to do the job.

Which Method Is Best?

You will generally see three methods of foundation repair advertised: concrete blocks, cable-linked blocks, and steel piers. Although steel piers cost more, this is the method you want to choose. Only steel piers are likely to reach down to solid bedrock which means they are the only method that will stop the settling for good.

Additionally, look for a foundation repair company in North Carolina that has experience with large commercial buildings in Charlotte. Ideally they use a computerized hydraulic lifting system that can manage a large structure with a high number of piers.

Are you considering foundation repair for your commercial space in North Carolina?

Guide to Commercial Foundation Repair in Charlotte North Carolina2015-02-17T17:51:59+00:00

The Steps to Fix Foundation Cracks for Good

No Chattanooga homeowner wants to see cracks in the walls of their home or deal with a problem foundation. But when these problems happen, it’s important to repair the foundation as quickly as possible—and properly. Fortunately, at POWER Lift, we know that foundation crack repair is easier than many people think. It can be done in three steps:

Step 1: Determine if your cracks are caused by a shifting foundation

It’s possible that cracks could be caused by other issues, such as water damage. Fortunately, it’s usually easy to tell if the cracks in your home are caused by an uneven, settling foundation. In masonry, this often manifests as rows of blocks “pulling apart,” especially near the corners of the home. It can also show up in the form of cracks in interior walls of the home. Some of the surest signs of a foundation problem are actually not cracks at all, but subtler signs: uneven floors and shifting doors and windows. If doors and windows won’t close properly, or if the floors have any tilt to them, you can be certain that the cracks you’ve spotted are caused by a foundation issue.

Step 2: Have your house lifted and piers installed

There is only one method that stops the problem for good and that is raising the foundation. Foundation cracks are caused by settling (i.e. when part of the foundation is sinking into the ground). By raising it up and installing piers (supports) below it, the settling can not only be corrected but also prevented from happening again.

However, not all kinds of foundation piers are the same. Seek out steel piers that can be driven deep into the ground so that your house will ultimately be supported by bedrock. Other methods – like sliding concrete blocks under the foundation or “cable linking” multiple blocks – do not provide deep enough support and will not ultimately stop the problem.

Step 3: Patch cracks where needed

Once your foundation has been shored up with steel piers, you can simply patch the cracks wherever you find them. Masonry will often go back in place after being shored up, but fresh mortar can be applied between blocks. Plaster or filling compound can be used on interior walls and then touched up with paint. Note that patching the cracks without shoring up the foundation will not help, as they will pull open again.

What sorts of cracks have you observed in your home? Do you think they’re related to the foundation? Call or contact us at POWER Lift to see if your home requires foundation repair!

The Steps to Fix Foundation Cracks for Good2017-12-08T19:38:57+00:00

Understanding Foundation Crack Repair

With a wet climate, shallow foundations, and very mixed soil types, North Carolina has more than its fair share of foundation cracks. But good foundation crack repair can be hard to find, and this is especially true when you don’t know how it works or what sets apart a good job from a bad one. That’s why at PowerLift Foundation Repair, we’re providing this complete guide to foundation cracks—and how they should (and shouldn’t) be fixed.

To start with, let’s look at exactly what foundation cracks are and how they’re caused. That will help us understand the issue much better. Foundation cracks may appear in the concrete slab of a foundation itself, but they may also appear in many other places. Interior or exterior walls may crack (especially near doors), masonry may start to pull apart with gaps between the bricks, and floors may start to slant. All of these symptoms are caused by the same thing: settling.

image of foundation crack that needs repairSettling happens when the weight of a house pushes it down deeper into a soft underlayer, like soil, gravel or clay. This settling rarely happens uniformly across an entire foundation; it is most common in concrete slab or pier style foundations that don’t reach deep down into the earth, but it can also happen to houses with basements in some circumstances.

The only solution to settling and the cracks that it causes is to raise the house up and level out the foundation. This is done by shoring it up. It’s important to understand that there is a difference between properly shoring up a house and simply putting the

equivalent of a shim under it. A shim—a concrete block, for example—will just continue to sink into the ground and the settling will continue in short order.

Instead, new piers have to be sunk under the house. In order to successfully fix the settling, they need to go deep enough to hit bedrock. Concrete pads and “cable lock” configurations rarely manage this. Instead, steel shoring piers are needed. Once in place, they can stop settling long-term.

There is a myth among homeowners that this kind of process is expensive. The truth is that the cost is not much higher than the shim method and, unlike it, a steel pier should be a permanent or long-term fix. That means that you only have to pay for foundation repair once, instead of over and over every few years.

Until your house’s foundation is properly shored up, fixing the cracks themselves won’t help—they will just reappear once again. After the piers are installed, however, cracks can be mended and the house will be as good as new. If your North Carolina home needs help, call or contact us at PowerLift Foundation Repair!

Understanding Foundation Crack Repair2015-01-13T15:29:38+00:00

Which Foundation Repair Method Gets Results?

If you have foundation problems, you need them stopped in a hurry. In Memphis, foundation slab settling is common and can lead to cracked walls, sloped floors and doors, and windows that won’t open or close. But to correct this, you don’t just need a fast repair, you need one that will last—and not all foundation repair methods will do that. And at PowerLift Foundation Repair, we know that better than anyone.

Here are the three most common foundation repair methods and the long-term results of each one:

1.  Patch ‘n’ go – Some homeowners don’t know how deep their foundation problems run; others don’t even realize that it’s a foundation problem when brick or masonry separates or concrete cracks. Unfortunately, this is when repairmen offer to “patch” the problem, either because they just don’t know any better or are taking advantage of the situation with a solution they know won’t work. Patching up cracks will never last when there is a foundation problem because the settling will continue, reopening the cracks and making them worse quickly.

2.  Concrete shoring pads or “cable locking” – Foundation experts recognize that the way to fix settling is to lift up the home and shore up the foundation. Unfortunately, many foundation repair companies will do this simply by inserting concrete “shoring pads” which are no different from paver stones. The problem? These sit on top of the soft earth just like the foundation slab once did and they, too, are going to settle over time. One solution to this is the “cable lock” method, which locks together a stack of concrete blocks for a deeper foundation pier. The deeper reach still rarely makes it down past the clay layer to anything solid, meaning this approach may slow or stop settling, but will often allow problems to continue sooner or later.

3.  The PowerLift Foundation Repair System utilizing steel piers – This is the deepest approach to shoring up a house and correcting a foundation and it is the most permanent. The PowerLift device will gently raise the house high enough for workers to bore holes underneath it for steel piers (pictured right). These steel piers reach all the way down to the bedrock layer. Once in place, the house is lowered back onto them—and the settling generally stops once and for all, because it finally rests on something solid. This is the method that professionals recommend and, compared to repeated foundation lifts every 2-5 years, it is often the most cost-effective as well.

Have you ever had to repair your foundation? What method did you use and what was the result? If you are a Memphis homeowner and think that you may need foundation repair, call or contact us at PowerLift Foundation Repair today!


Which Foundation Repair Method Gets Results?2015-01-07T15:50:16+00:00

3 Reasons that You Should Consider Commercial Foundation Repair for Your North Carolina Business

Image of commercial foundation repair on bricks with "under construction" sign North Carolina has become an increasingly popular place to live, especially for millennials, which is exciting news for business owners in the state. With more and more people moving to the area, your business will most likely benefit from an influx of fresh customers. This makes it the perfect time to make sure that your office complex or facility is aesthetically appealing. Things like cracks in brick and sheet rock, along with several other signs, may be good indicators that you have a foundation problem. So the solution to the exterior and/or interior aesthetics of your commercial building may actually be found in repairing your foundation. Here are four reasons that you should consider foundation repair for your North Carolina business.

1.  It will increase the aesthetic beauty – Chances are good that your business will be located relatively near several others, some of them competitors. This is especially comm on for restaurants and hair salons. You’ll want to make sure that your business looks as good, if not better than that of your competitors. If your building has cracks in the foundation, customers will avoid it and head across the street. Look into commercial foundation repair services such as those offered by Powerlift Foundation Repair to patch-up broken bricks, cement, and other foundation or building structure issues. The more beautiful your building looks on the outside, the more inclined people will be to check it out from the inside and make a purchase.

2.  A stronger foundation is a stronger building When you think about your building, you should be planning ahead for the long term. You’ll want a building that is durable and able to withstand various weather conditions. If your building’s foundation is full of cracks or missing pieces, then it may cause leaks when it rains or snows or extreme temperatures occur. Leaks in the building can result in a host of other problems; for instance, it can create the perfect damp environment to attract rodents, bugs, and other pests, and who would want to enter a building like that? All of these problems can be prevented with the simple use of Powerlift Foundation Repair Services that will help restore your building and keep it in great condition.

3.  It will increase the property value – Another part of planning ahead for your business should include the “what-if?” game. What if years down the road you decide to retire or relocate? You may need to resell your building and you’ll want to get the best possible deal. If your building is not in top condition, then you will certainly not be able to sell it for as much money as you may hope to, or even as much money as you paid for it. Foundation repair services will allow you an easy and cost-effective way to keep your building looking good as new, therefore helping to increase its overall resale value. When you choose to invest in foundation repair services for your commercial building now, you’ll be glad you did when you decide to sell it.

If you’re looking for easy and affordable ways to make your North Carolina business stand out from the crowd and remain in good shape for years to come, look into Powerlift Foundation Repair services today!

3 Reasons that You Should Consider Commercial Foundation Repair for Your North Carolina Business2024-07-17T14:44:31+00:00

4 Ways to Increase the Resale Value of Your Tennessee Home

image of Tennessee property that might need foundation repairHave you been thinking about selling your home in Tennessee? Now is a good time, as Tennessee real estate has been on the rise over the last couple of years. This is especially true for older Americans who are looking for a nice place to retire. While Florida has been the traditional stereotype for retirement, Tennessee is quickly catching up and may even surpass it, according to some studies. So the time to sell a house in the state has never been better! However, if you want to get the most out of the sale, you should look into these four easy ways to increase the value of your Tennessee home:

1.  Foundation repair – The outside of your home is the first thing people will see, so it’s important to make a great first impression. If your home looks broken in any way, shape or form, it will turn potential buyers away. Before you list your home for sale, check out the foundation. Powerlift Foundation Repair offers high-quality foundation crack repair in the Tennessee area. Our services can help to restore your home’s foundation and improve its aesthetics, which in turn will help increase the overall resale value.

2.  Give landscaping a try – In addition to repairing the foundation of your home, you should look into landscaping. As previously mentioned, the outside of your home is extremely important, and that includes your lawn. Be sure to keep the yard neat and tidy at all times. In addition, you can try some easy DIY landscaping techniques like planting seasonal flowers and adding decorations such as a bird bath, garden stones or statuary to help bring the outside of your home to life.

3.  Upgrade your appliances – When was the last time your home had new appliances and do the current ones match? If your appliances are more than five years old and don’t match, it may be time for an upgrade. Sure, it may seem like you’re spending a lot of money upfront but, in the long run, it will increase the value of your home and help you to sell it for a higher price. People are far more likely to spend money on a home with modern appliances – this is especially true of kitchen and eco-friendly equipment. Some of the essential appliances you should look into upgrading are your refrigerator, washer and dryer, and dishwasher. Try to purchase the same brands or line of products to further enhance the aesthetic beauty of the home.

4.  Add new flooring – Adding new flooring to your home can be one of the easiest and most efficient ways to increase its value. No one wants to spend a lot of money on a home with creaky wooden floors or shaggy, stained carpeting. Consider replacing your carpeting or ripping it up and using the wooden flooring beneath. If you choose this option, just be sure to polish the floors and repair any cracked or broken wooden panels.

When you follow any one of these four tips, your Tennessee home will be sure to increase in value – and it will be easier than ever to make the most out of your sale.

4 Ways to Increase the Resale Value of Your Tennessee Home2014-11-21T21:00:01+00:00

Do You Need Foundation Repair in Tennessee?

Every homeowner knows that a “bad” foundation can be a serious problem. When the foundation is buckling or damaged, it can cause both inconveniences for day-to-day living as well as potentially very serious structural issues. Settling or sinking foundations are unlikely to stop over time, meaning the problem becomes more pronounced the longer it’s left untreated. In Tennessee foundation repair often involves slab repair or power lifting of a home on a slab rather than repairs to a below-ground foundation, but both involve similar warning signs—and many homeowners are not sure what those signs are or how seriously to take them. So how do you know if you need foundation repair?

Before we dive into the main warning signs, it’s important to know one sign that is not a factor in foundation repair: home age. Many people assume that older homes are at high risk and newer homes are not in danger. The truth is that there are plenty of older homes in Tennessee (including houses over 100 years old) that have sat well with minimum settling and have no major foundation issues. Likewise, there are plenty of homes less than 20 years old that have seen settling and cracking and need foundation repair in a hurry. Home age is not, on its own, an indicator of foundation stability.

Instead, focus on these four key signs:

cracks in ceiling -- a sign that you need foundation repair1.  Sloping floors – Household floors should stay level over years and decades. When floors are noticeably sloped, either in a few rooms or the whole house, it’s a bad sign (sloping isn’t always visible: place a marble on the floor and see if it stays still, or look for doors and windows that stick.) If sloping exceeds an inch over 20 feet of floor, you have a problem.

2.  Cracking in internal walls – Interior walls are not exposed to the elements and should not crack. Splits, lines, and cracks appearing in internal walls—including old plaster walls—usually indicate settling.

3.  Leaking and cracking in basement – If you have an in-ground basement, pay attention to warning signs. Any below-ground basement is capable of leaking and flooding, but this should only occur in the heaviest rain. If you see routine leaks in the basement wall or visible cracks there is a problem.

4.  Separation of masonry – Do you have brick on the exterior of your house? If so, look for places where gaps are appearing between bricks or stones. This means the wall is pulling apart due to buckling or sinking of the foundation.

There are other signs that might tip off a homeowner that they need foundation repair in Tennessee. If you are experiencing one of the above problems, you may need a foundation repair assessment. Click here or call 800-562-5438 to contact us for a free estimate.

Do You Need Foundation Repair in Tennessee?2014-11-05T15:33:07+00:00

7 Signs You Need Foundation Repair (That You Might Not Notice)

Homes in Tennessee and North Carolina are at high risk of foundation settling due to both the type of soil and a long tradition of building on flat slabs rather than below-ground basement foundations. When this happens, foundation repair is a must, usually by power lifting the house and evening it out. If caught early, foundation repair is inexpensive but many people wait until they see visible settling to call us at PowerLift Foundation Repair. There are many other signs of settling that can tip you off early if you know what to look for. They include:

cracked cement

1.  Cracks in the floor – Depending on the type of floor you have, cracks in the floor itself may be your first sign that you need foundation repair. Tile and concrete floors may crack, while wood floors may pull apart and separate.

2.  Cracked sheetrock – Interior walls may crack before exterior walls do. Sheetrock, in particular, is prone to cracking as the house settles, as is old plaster. Cracks in the wall usually don’t appear out of nowhere—they are a sign the frame is moving due to settling.

3.  Tight doors and windows – While a sticky door or window can be caused by humidity, this will often come and go with the weather. If doors or windows are consistently hard to open and close, however, it can mean the frame is moving due to a foundation issue. This is a good early sign to catch before more expensive cracks appear.

4.  Cracked brick or separating bricks – Brick exteriors can hide settling because people don’t notice gaps between individual bricks. As a foundation settles, bricks may pull apart. Often, you’ll see a zig-zag gap as each row of bricks moves over from the one below it. Sometimes bricks will actually crack through.

5.  Gaps between windows and walls – There should be no separation between the window frame and the wall, or between the window and frame. If there is, it not only indicates a need for foundation repair; it also means you are losing heat in the winter and AC in the summer, which leads to high energy bills.

6.  Rotating walls – Sometimes, a wall will “rotate.” This means that the bottom begins to turn from settling while the top does not. When looking at an exterior corner of the house, you can tell a wall is rotating when it appears to have a curve in it.

7.  Visible settling – Of course, sometimes foundation problems are obvious. If your floors are slanted, there is visible settling or cracks in the foundation itself, it’s time to call us at Powerlift for foundation repair!

There are other signs that will tell you it’s time to get your foundation looked at, which you can find here on our website.

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Our foundation repair specialists are ready to help you today.

For Foundation Repair in North Carolina call 1-800-562-5438.

For Foundation Repair in Tennessee call 1-800-562-5438. 

7 Signs You Need Foundation Repair (That You Might Not Notice)2017-11-21T22:20:42+00:00

Can Lifting Your House Fix Your Foundation?

Foundation problems are sadly common and many homeowners are afraid to even seek an estimate on the cost of making foundation repairs. However, the most effective solution for foundation problems—lifting the house and adding new supports below it—can be surprisingly affordable. Can house lifting repair your foundation? Here’s everything you need to know:


Can Lifting Your House Fix Your Foundation?2014-09-18T20:33:57+00:00
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